Task 3: The Importance of communication skills for engineers

 "Communication skills are an essential component in the education of engineering students to facilitate not just students' education but also to prepare them for their future careers." 

Marc Riemer, Faculty of Engineering, Monash University(2007)

Communication is one of the most important skills each person should possess. Engineering students should be effective communicators as they need to share their ideas and plans during school projects or future projects in their career. This is to work effectively in teams. 

In school, communicating helps us to listen and understand what the teacher is teaching. If we are unsure with their teaching, we should clarify our doubts, and at the same time gain more knowledge. Having presentations in class also boost one's confidence to speak to an audience, and this helps when having to interact with others at work.

At work, communication is important when having to speak with their colleagues, bosses as well as clients. Miscommunication leads to discrepancies when presenting a project, and this causes distrust in handling future projects.

Without communication, the message being put across might get interpreted wrongly and errors will occur. Hence, we should be as detailed as possible when communicating with others so as to be understood.


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